Seal Upon my heart- by Taryn Leia Prescott

I will worship you, Lord
I will worship you, Lord
Every day I'm humbled by your great love
Every day you save me, and set me free
To live abundantly
So I set you as a seal upon my heart
Not even death can tear us apart
Let the flame of your love burn in me
Guard my wandering heart jealously
Because I want to be yours
I want you to be mine
I will thank you, Lord
I will thank you, Lord
For the Son of Man came not to be served
But to give his life as a ransom for me
O Lord, how can this love be?
Jesus, Son of David,
you've had mercy on me
Jesus, Son of David,
now all I want is to see your glory
And I will follow you, Lord
I will follow you, Lord
You have called me by name, called me your own
Hearing your voice is like coming home
I will run after you
I will worship you, Lord
Every day I'm humbled by your great love
Every day you save me, and set me free
To live abundantly
So I set you as a seal upon my heart
Not even death can tear us apart
Let the flame of your love burn in me
Guard my wandering heart jealously
Because I want to be yours
I want you to be mine
I will thank you, Lord
I will thank you, Lord
For the Son of Man came not to be served
But to give his life as a ransom for me
O Lord, how can this love be?
Jesus, Son of David,
you've had mercy on me
Jesus, Son of David,
now all I want is to see your glory
And I will follow you, Lord
I will follow you, Lord
You have called me by name, called me your own
Hearing your voice is like coming home
I will run after you