On the discovery of Herbert's works

Holding a warm polyetheline coated cup of lemon tea to my cheek, I was strolling through the avenues of cyberspace when, voila! I read a poem by George Herbert! What joy fills my heart to see the praise of my LORD and saviour Jesus to be penned into poetry by this welshman who embraced the use of literary 'conceit' that was later upheld by the metaphysical school. I can't wait to read more of Herbert but, alas, the present time beckons me to ponder over theories of symbolic interactionism to build a framework for my social psychology paper. After that is handed in, though, I shall lunch with Laura, read Herbert and pack my bags for a much anticipated journey to the Lake district, that was home to many a writer and thinker. I shall worship god amidst the mountains and enjoy sweet fellowship with my lovely friends Taryn and Peter. All thanks to my father above who does not change like shifting lights, and from whom every good thing comes (James 1:17).


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