To my lovely Prinks as she sets out to Delhi

P.T dear, run to Jesus our refuge and rampart
Securely from there every lie you can thwart
He is able to accomplish infinitely more
Wait on him and like an eagle you will soar

Modernism, Romanticism, Indian Literature
And every word that tries to paint an impressionist picture
You will grasp even without a Roy or Geeti lecture
For you have the Lord beside you dear sister

With Shakespeare, Conrad and DH Lawrence
You may have been to England, Congo and Florence
But when that Air India flight in Delhi will be landing
Trust in the LORD and not on your understanding

Thank you for asking Taz and me to pray
Your requests we shall at our father's feet lay
In our prayers which shall like fragrance rise
First list and single room we shall emphasize

Even as we wait to see God's plan
In the life of this CS Lewis fan
Of this I can boldly assure
No lie can this truth obscure-

The world will see more of him through you
Amidst the plentiful harvest and laborers few.
Every cloud of doubt like vapor will vanish
And the work he has begun in you will be finished.

Love you Prinks (*V*)


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