summer time

summer's finally here!!!
its time again for chocolate milk,calvin and hobbes,siestas in the sun,frequent trips to the refrigerator(for chocolate milk of course),...blissful days soaked in langour, reverie and words.....


Rambler said…
hey where have you been all these days, long vacation after the exams? or still working hard through them?
Asha Kurien said… exams got over a few days back...yep long hols now....2 mnths!
Prerna said…
hey, thanks for the comment!
yeh...the summer..*sigh* except for the heat..

Cheers \m/, (+.+) ,\m/
kyra said…
yay! you're still alive. i lowwwe calvin and hobbes. but i hate summer. i'm a winter person :D
where are you now, asha?

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