
Showing posts from June, 2019

My heart is filth

My heart is filth Yours is gold Refiner's fire Come refine me whole Be gentle though Sweet surgeon of my soul Lest bitter I turn Turn away from your fold

Thoughts for the day

A swarming buzz A whispering hiss A whirring, murmuring and then some spitting Today's thoughts-thoughts for the day Crashed in Noisily trying to wrench out faith And steal the song. I was left gasping for the truth Dizzy with lies, Cold, cold, cold- I cried Cried to my ever-present help My ever faithful friend Who knows the depths of me He hastened- set your mind on things above Not on things below Where I am seated in the heavenly realms While the battle rages on, He gently helps me and I know we will win And while the battle rages on, I cry: I am grateful  I am grateful I am loved with an everlasting love I am grateful that Christ is the author and perfecter of my faith I am grateful that he will never leave me nor forsake me I am grateful that no weapon formed against me shall prosper I am grateful that no one can bring a charge against God's elect I am grateful that God disciplines those he loves I am grateful that nothing can thwart his plans...