
Showing posts from August, 2010


Seeds Sown in the dark Of the good news Of thy forgiving heart Lord impress upon their souls Thy promise of eternity That you so loved them That you died to set them free O Holy Spirit break the bonds That anchor them to lies Into their parched hearts Pour water that truly satisfies Redeemed may they stand To give thee glory Renewed may they walk Into thy magnificent story Triumph may they taste Against the enemy Whom you crushed One day on Calvary Amazed may they live Forever worshiping thee Forever in awe that the God of the Universe Would love rebellious man so deeply Seeds Breathe as they rest Waiting to be watered by the Lord of the harvest.                ------- "neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. " 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
I have a friend, her name is Taryno Honesty with God and piping Chai she is unwilling to forgo. Inoubliable times in college to her I owe Oh! the antics we did as Spaz and co. Lately, she has been weary because of a blow These have been testing times, even so In your weakness, our Saviour's strength will overflow He is with you no matter where you go He is at the mountain top and in the plateau When in doubt look at the sparrow, How it is fed, cared for and made to grow Our Father's command now is to live here like a U.F.O But, remember, he is making all things nouveau And we'll be home before you know. My dearest Taryno, I also want you to know That though we dont live at a pebbles throw My lowe for you, I will not outgrow. P.s- when you're is done reading this, I hope your face is aglow!